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Appendix table 1. Balance sheets of insurance companies 2013, EUR million

401 Employment pension insurance company 420 Non-life insurance corporation, incl. branches abroad 410 Life insurance corporation, incl. branches abroad
Intangible assets, total 81 181 71
Investments, total 80 410 12 383 21 669
Investments covering technical provisions on unit-linked insurance - - 23 589
Debtors 3 783 1 372 269
Other assets, total 1 713 536 1 017
Prepayments and accrued income, total 771 222 191
ASSETS 86 758 14 694 46 807
Capital and reserves/share capital, total 359 2 602 3 203
Accumulated appropriations, total 5 13 9
Subordinated loans - 142 316
Technical provisions, net of reinsurance 82 306 11 185 19 273
Technical provisions for unit-linked policies - - 23 514
Obligatory provisions, total - 6 -
Deposits received from reinsurers - - -
Total creditors 3 337 540 336
Accruals and deferred income 750 206 156
LIABILITIES 86 758 14 694 46 807
“-” No observations

Source: Insurance Activities 2013, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Kristiina Nieminen 029 551 2957, Kerttu Helin 029 551 3330, Hilkka Jaatinen 029 551 3630,

Director in charge: Leena Storgårds

Updated 12.11.2014

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Insurance Activities [e-publication].
ISSN=2341-7625. 2013, Appendix table 1. Balance sheets of insurance companies 2013, EUR million . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 30.6.2024].
Access method: