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Official Statistics of Finland

Disability benefits and services provided by Kela

Social Insurance Institution of Finland
Data: Disability benefits and services provided by Kela
Release calendar of statistics
Description: The statistics on disability benefits and services provided by Kela cover the benefits paid by Kela to persons with disabilities: disability allowance for persons under 16 years, disability allowance for persons aged 16 or over, care allowance for pensioners and dietary grant and the interpreting services for the disabled. They present information from different perspectives about the recipients of disability benefits and the benefits being paid to them, and about persons entitled to interpreting services for the disabled.
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Keywords: social security, social protection, disability allowance, persons with disabilities, interpreting services for the disabled.
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Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Disability benefits and services provided by Kela [e-publication].
Helsinki: Social Insurance Institution of Finland [referred: 17.7.2024].
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