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Published: 6 June 2017

In May 2017 the number of new passenger cars registered was 11,055

In May 2017 a total of 19,457 new motor vehicles were registered, of which 12,889 were automobiles. First registrations increased by 6.4 per cent from the corresponding month of the previous year. In May the number of new passenger cars registered was 11,055, which was 5.1 per cent up from the year before. The share of new diesel-driven passenger cars was 31.8 per cent. These data are based on the Vehicular and Driver Data Register of the Finnish Transport Safety Agency and they have been produced by Statistics Finland. The numbers are exclusive of the vehicles on the Åland Islands.

First registrations of passenger cars

First registrations of passenger cars

In the January to May period of 2017 a total of 85,990 vehicles were first registered. Compared to the year before, there was an increase of 2.1 per cent. The number of passenger cars first registered in the January to May period was 53,574, which is 2.1 per cent down from the year before. The most common passenger car makes first registered in the January to May period were Toyota, Volkswagen and Skoda.

Source: Statistics on first registrations 2017. Statistics Finland, Finnish Transport Safety Agency

Inquiries: Sami Lahtinen 029 551 3207, Kari Keränen 029 551 3208, Irmeli Segerholm 029 551 3219,

Director in charge: Mari Ylä-Jarkko


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Updated 6.6.2017

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): First registrations of motor vehicles [e-publication].
ISSN=2342-365X. May 2017. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 30.6.2024].
Access method: