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Appendix table 4. Job vacancies by location (major region 2012) of the local kind of activity unit 2014/IV - 2015/IV

  Year/Quarter Change
   2014/IV    2015/IV 2014/IV - 2015/IV
Major region      
Total (incl. Åland) 19 800 21 900 2 100
Helsinki-Uusimaa 7 500 9 000 1 400
Southern Finland 2 800 4 000 1 200
Western Finland 5 200 4 000 -1 200
Northern and Eastern Finland 4 200 4 900 600

Source: Job vacancy survey 2015, 4th quarter. Statistics Finland.

Inquiries: Minna Wallenius 029 551 2749,

Director in charge: Jari Tarkoma

Updated 17.2.2016

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Job vacancy survey [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-2278. 4th quarter 2015, Appendix table 4. Job vacancies by location (major region 2012) of the local kind of activity unit 2014/IV - 2015/IV . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 30.6.2024].
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