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Appendix figure 2. Average rent levels for government subsidized apartments, 4th quarter 2012

Appendix figure 2. Average rent levels for government subsidized apartments, 4th quarter 2012

Source: House Rents, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Martti Korhonen 09 1734 3451, Tomi Martikainen 09 1734 3632,

Director in charge: Leena Storgårds

Updated 8.2.2013

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Rents of dwellings [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-1018. 4th quarter 2012, Appendix figure 2. Average rent levels for government subsidized apartments, 4th quarter 2012 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 1.7.2024].
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