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Appendix table 1. Completed polytechnic degrees by Region of Education in 2012

Regions of Education Completed qualifications and degrees Completed qualifications and degrees, men Completed qualifications and degrees, women
Whole Country, Total 23 914 8 941 14 973
Continental Finland 23 852 8 912 14 940
Uusimaa 6 670 2 315 4 355
Varsinais-Suomi 2 025 732 1 293
Satakunta 1 077 361 716
Kanta-Häme 907 363 544
Pirkanmaa 2 044 888 1 156
Päijät-Häme 1 001 338 663
Kymenlaakso 723 257 466
South Karelia 548 212 336
Etelä-Savo 1 040 325 715
Pohjois-Savo 1 070 435 635
North Karelia 660 251 409
Central Finland 1 250 506 744
South Ostrobotnia 799 286 513
Ostrobotnia 766 318 448
Central Ostrobotnia 289 112 177
North Ostrobotnia 1 526 636 890
Kainuu 364 131 233
Lappi 1 093 446 647
Åland 62 29 33
Åland 62 29 33

Source: Education, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Anna Loukkola 09 1734 3678,

Director in charge: Riitta Harala

Updated 10.4.2013

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): University of applied sciences education [e-publication].
ISSN=2489-3196. 2012, Appendix table 1. Completed polytechnic degrees by Region of Education in 2012 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 1.7.2024].
Access method: