EU Twinning - Georgia 2024–2026


The EU Twinning Project "Further Strengthening of the Georgian Statistical System" (GE 21 NDICI ST 01 23) is implemented 2024-2026 by a consortium of three EU National Statistical Institutions: Statistics Finland (lead), The Federal Statistical Office of Germany and, Italian National Institute of Statistics.

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The project has three main Objectives:

  1. Methodological soundness in Standards and Classifications in line with the EU requirements Enhanced  
  2. Demographic and population statistics developed  
  3. Capacity of government institutions for the production and use of official statistics strengthened.


Geostat, Standards and Classifications, Demographic and Population Statistics, GSBPM, NUTS Classification, DESAP, Administrative Data, NSI, SME's, Training

Detailed Description

The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the capacity of the National Statistical System of Georgia for legislative approximation and implementation of the Association Agreement in the field of statistics. 

The Twinning Consortium is led by Statistics Finland with The Federal Statistical Office of Germany and Italian National Institute of Statistics acting as Junior Partners.

The three components targeted by the Twinning project are reflected in the “The EU-Georgia Association Agenda for the period 2021-2027” which identifies statistics as one of the priority directions.  It shapes that, the Parties will cooperate on:

Medium-term priorities:

  • Ensure approximation to the relevant EU acquis;
  • Establish a population register in Georgia;
  • Produce regional statistics in line with the NUTS classification;
  • Increase access to and use of administrative data for statistical purposes.

The elements of the present Twinning project are also part of the National Strategy for the Development of Official Statistics of Georgia (NSDS) for 2020 – 2023 and the associated Action Plan, which is based on the recommendations made in the report of the Global Assessment of National Statistics System of Georgia in 2019 by UNECE, EUROSTAT, and EFTA experts. By entering this Twinning instrument, Geostat will further expand its international cooperation in the field of statistics and the approximation to European standards.

Geostat has already undertaken many steps to align the Georgian Statistical System to Global and European standards. The project will continue the work on methods and standards, with the view of ensuring the sustainability of the results and considering the work already done. The project tackles new areas, like co-operation with other administrations and creating a roadmap to establish population register. Project will also support the development of Geostat internal processes, like the use of GSBPM and GAMSO as tools for planning.

Specific Objective

The specific objective of the project is to assist the National Statistics Office of Georgia (Geostat) in enhancing methodological soundness in standards and classifications, developing demographic and population Statistics as well as strengthening the capacity of government institutions for the production and use of official statistics.

Expected Results

Component 1:

  • Result 1: Statistical processes in line with the GSBPM modernised.
  • Result 2: The EU NUTS classification introduced.
  • Result 3: The self-assessment survey based on DESAP introduced.

Component 2:

  • Result 4: The roadmap for the establishment of the population register developed
  • Result 5: Population projections established

Component 3:

  • Result 6: Use of administrative data for the production of official statistics increased.
  • Result 7: Data usage of government institutions for decision-making enhanced

Project Deliverables

Component 1: Methodological soundness in Standards and Classifications in line with the EU requirements Enhanced  

  • Result 1: Statistical processes in line with the GSBPM modernised
  • Result 2: The EU NUTS classification introduced
  • Result 3: The Self-assessment survey based on DESAP introduced

Component 2: Demographic and Population Statistics developed

  • Result 4: The roadmap for the establishment of the population register developed
  • Result 5: Population projections established

Component 3: Capacity of government institutions for production and use of official statistics strengthened

  • Result 6: Use of administrative data for production of official statistics increased
  • Result 7: Data usage of government institutions for decision-making enhanced